
Text from TanyaDudkina - English

    • rendering

    • The article I 'd like to render is entitled 'capricious children' and is written by a psychologist shershakov.
    • The author reveals some drawbacks of children's upbringing because of them children become capricious.
    • The author's communicative aim is to give some advice.
    • In his article the author touches upon several problems of parental impatiens, a problem of upbringing, a problem of parental mistakes upbringing and a problem of generation gap.
    • In the beginning of his article the author mentions about parents who don't know why children become capricious and how to deal with it.
    • The author declares, that children's caprices can be very often especially in the pre -school age.
    • Mistakes of upbringing are cause of caprices which are provoked by the painful condition of a child.
  • The author wants to make us ponder over that a caprice is little consequence of desires.
  • Often a child can get it using sobbing and shouting.
    • The author gives us an example, in which a child makes a scene public and goes into hysterics.
  • Using such actions he accounts to get a new toy.
  • And mother satisfies his whims.
  • The author wants to make us think what consequences can be after this situation.
    • The author reveals some points of view.
    • Firstly, a child accustomed that a mother satisfies all his whims.
    • Secondly, he understands that his cries a mother will not stand for long.
    • In his article, a psychologist says parents not to satisfy children 's every whims.otherwise, it will be the first reason for caprices.
    • The author 's opinion parents should take up a firm common attitude of upbringing their children, it is not so right when one of parents can be too lenient by a child and another is too exacting.
    • A child learns for himself with which parent he can be capricious and with whom there is no. The author is sure that if parents are patient they can avoid children 's capricious.
    • In his article, the author regrets that parents should talk their children into right tone without any screams, shoutings.
  • They should use parental pressure and not to be permissiveness.
    • I share the author 's opinion.
    • Parents should mould their children that overindulgence and capricious don't be encouraged new gifts.
  • It must be earned by good behavior.
    • Also I agree with the author view that the main quality of children 's upbringing is patience.
  • It's really sufficient.