
Texto de TanyaDudkina - English

  • Kindergarten or a Granny?

    • In today's world most parents have some difficulties in the following selection, which variant will be the best for their infant: to give it to kindergarten or to leave the upbringing of a grandmother.
    • Nowadays it is very aktuall problem , especially for young inexperienced parents: "Kindergarten or a Granny?".
    • In this connection I would like to consider the pros and cons of both sides.On the one hand a granny is one of the most loved ones for a child.
    • She knows everything about her grandson or a granddaughter.
    • Apart from the above at work, parents will be relaxed for their child.
    • Their baby will always be in security.
    • Nevertheless, excessive concern grandmothers can harm a child.
    • Their grandchildren are always more regret, more care and a lot of grannies allow.
    • So that, children grow up less organized, spoiled and they have week immunity.
    • On my the other hand some scientists from the United Kingdom revealed that in kindergarten a child grows more advanced and socially active.
    • First if all, there he communicates with peers, plays various games, accustomed to the society without his mother.
    • One word he becomes independent.
    • Besides, there are a number of disadvantages kindergarten.
    • In kindergartens, children are often sick.
    • In addition, many kindergarten teaches refer to children as to the total mass and do not take into account individual approach to each children.
    • Therefore, a child may grow up without their own opinion and attitudes towards life.
    • In summary in view of the above I consider that kindergarten has more advantages than an idea of raising a child by a grandmother.
    • In kindergarten, children become more sociality developed and can survive in any group.