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  • Traveling to Malta

  • The country covers just over 316km, making it one of the worlds' smallest and most densely populated countries.
    • The capital of Malta is Valetta which is also, at one kilometers, the smallest capital in the European Union.
    • So, from Valetta I and friends began the exploration of Malta.
    • The first thing that you notice is the ancient architecture of the houses, it is very beautiful.
  • Every house made in the medieval style, they also decorated by colorful balconies and polished door handles.
  • It seemed like an artwork.
  • Besides that every of them had it own name, like St Elena or Mary and Rose house.
  • It's become very interesting for us and we decided knock one of the door and ask the reason of that.
  • The master of the house said that it bound up with the different stories or event that happened with their owners , and that's why the houses have name.
  • It like a little part of memory.
  • After walking around the city we want to eat and decided to stop at a traditional Maltese cafe "Pazaliny".
  • There we eat a typical Maltese snack paltizzi it is a roll with cheese and drink tea with a condensed milk.
  • We like it very much.
  • At the midday our group went to the National Museum of Fine Arts.
  • It house a collection of works by Maltese and foreign artists mainly representing the major European artistic style.
  • We left the museum in the evening at 7 o'clock.
  • The excursion was rather impressive but we very tired and headed to our hostel.
  • The next day we went by bus to the small fishing village.
  • Here time seems frozen.
  • Tradition fishing-bout standing on the shore an dlook very colorful.
  • The Maltese believe that ac colorful their boat will be as there catch will be better.
  • I don't know true it or false but there catch was really very good.
  • We walked along the shore of the azure sea.
  • It was in describable lovely and we desired to go by ship to the azure window .
  • It is a limestone natural arch on the Maltese island of Gozo, witch situated near dwejra bay on the inland sea.
  • Created after two limestone.
  • The azure window was very beautiful.
  • When we arrived to the village we headed to papay village , where we meet papay and afelia.
  • At this place shoot a film papay the sailor .
  • There still remained the scenery of the film , where actors are living.
  • They walk with us three the all village and showing different scenes from the movie and just entertained us.
  • In the afternoon we go to Valetta and walk there.
  • In that time Valetta seems ind different kind.
  • It is very beautiful vintage lights illuminate the streets and on the main square streets musicians are playing.
  • Some people are dancing, and some of them singing.
  • All having fun.
  • We decided to keep up and lathing, it was really cheerful time.
  • Every of our group had a feeling that we are in the times of the middle age .
  • Really , everything seems like that: old Catholic Churches , knights castles even small cafes even distinguished from the general atmosphere .
  • You can that time in this place stopped.
  • On the streets are still walking earl and countess and in the air you can smell aroma of the freshly baked bread rolls.
  • Situation is relatively quiet and welcoming.
  • My traveling to the republic of Malta was really amazing.
  • I never forgot it.
  • Malta is the most beautiful place I had been People there are kind and responsive .
  • I advice everyone to visit this place.

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