
Text from AngelaZZ - English

  • An Unforgettable Experience

    • “It’s so boring!” I complained.
  • Spending the whole morning doing nothing, I decided to do something new.
  • Therefore, I called my foreign teacher, asked whether she would like to go on a trip. She said yes.
    • We went to the bus station and chose to go to Jinyun Mountain., and then started our trip.
    • I had never thought that this trip would be such an interesting experience that I would never forget.
  • Sitting on the bus and looking outside, I felt the sights were not the same as before.
    • An uneasy feeling arouse spontaneously-we might take the wrong bus.
  • I asked the driver where the bus would go, and his answer proved my guess.
    • We got off the bus, stood at the bus station and didn’t know where to go.
  • A stranger came to us and asked whether we needed help.
    • “We are lost.” I told him.
    • “Aren’t you a native?
  • Where will you go?” He asked me with his warm eyes.
  • I explained that we were new there and told him our destination.
  • Knowing our situation, he decided to be our guide.
  • So we went to a new bus with him.
  • On the way to the mountains, he told us many historic stories about China.
    • It really broadened my eyes and made me more knowledgeable, because I had never heard of those stories before.
  • It also made me realize that I should have known more about our traditional culture.
  • Compared with him, I was so lacking in historic knowledge.
  • After one hour, we finally got there.
  • Instead of choosing the flat road that many people walk, he guided us to choose another paved path with so many stairs.
    • Few people chose that way, hence, it’s very quiet.
  • When we were climbing, he told us there were 498 stairs in total.
    • When people built the path, there was no machine, so they had to use their strength to build those stairs.
  • It really impressed me a lot.
  • Just as the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” If we have a clear goal and try our best, we can achieve it.
    • Although it’s hard to climbing the mountain, we were not tired at all.
  • Thanks to the stranger, we heard many interesting and exciting stories.
    • Two hours past so fast, and we finally got to the top of the mountain.
  • We stood there and appreciated the flowing river, the lush and green trees, and the small city “under” our foot.
  • The soft breeze was kissing our face.
  • It was definitely the most relaxing moment that I ever had.
    • This trip let me and the stranger become friends, heard of many interesting stories, and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
    • It is such an unforgettable experience that will keep in my mind forever.