
текст з - English

  • My trip to Kazakhstan

    • I remember my trip to Almaty as if it was yesterday.
    • That was the last time I have ever been to Kazakhstan and I was 14 when I went.
  • I went with my family.
  • My father and mother were planning the trip.
    • When I asked them where we were going they told me that we were all going to Almaty by flight.
    • I was so excited and waited nervous for the day of departure.
  • Our journey started from Uralsk.
  • Where we bought tickets and went to Almaty by plane.
  • It didn’t get much better than this: I watched through the window as the runway zoomed by and the buildings and houses became smaller and smaller as the plane gained altitude.
  • An exhilarating feeling overcame me as I realized that I would soon be in one of the most amazing cities of Kazakhstan.
  • I really enjoyed every minute of our flight!
  • I saw wonderful sights such as the blue lines of the rivers, blue lakes, green fields and forests, plains and mountains.
  • At the airport my aunt and uncle were waiting for us.
  • I was so happy to see them!
  • As we stood waiting for a taxi outside of the airport, it was immediately apparent to me that Almaty was not the same as Saratov.
  • It seemed like everyone there was in a hurry to get to another place.
  • The loud and constant sound of cars honking was heard throughout the entire trip.
    • Then we finally got to the aunts and uncle apartment, we were very tired and we needed some rest.
  • For the next day we walked around the city.
    • The city is amazingly beautiful and its each region is decorated with parks and beautiful fountains.
  • By the way, in Alma Ata there are over 150 fountains!
    • There is a lot of apples (marble apples, plastic apples, apple shaped kiosks) in various parts of the city.
    • City's name "Almaty" derives from the Kazakh word for 'apple' (алма), and thus is often translated as "full of apples".
  • Then we went to the Gorky Park, now called Almaty Central Park.
  • It is a very popular recreational area among people living in Almaty and its guests.
  • There are fairground attractions, as well as horse, camel and donkey rides.
  • Central park is worthy of a few hours' worth of wandering around, because its quite large!
  • It has a lot of green areas, but seems to be the place where you go to ride on amusement park style rides.
  • It has an aqua park, a children's park off to one side and the zoo is accessed thru the east side of the park.
  • It is well worth a visit on any walking tour.
    • We spent in the park a lot of time, visited the zoo, went on a ride on attractions.
  • We enjoyed this time in the park and took a lot of pictures.
  • One of the best things about Almaty is it’s proximity to the mountains.
    • So for the next day we went to Medeu.The mountains are right there in Almaty. it's a nice outing from the city to go to Medeu and Chimbulak. the huge speed skating rink at Medeu hosts many events in the summer. when you arrive at Medeu the first sight you see is a giant ice rink located right in the centre of a valley.
  • We visited the skating ring and then we wanted to go to Shymbulak.
    • There is a road as well to reach the top we went by our hired car.
    • We spent some time in Shymbulak enjoying the nature beauty and the hot coffee in 17 degree climate.
    • Good café and restaurants are available.
  • After this we went further up by car and then came down.
    • There was an option to go by walk as well.
    • Overall it is worth visiting to enjoy the nature beauty.
  • On the last day of our trip we went shopping.
    • we went to megacenter It was very nice.
    • It was spotless, bright, and not as crowded.
  • There are all kinds of shops here including the usual and plus a toy store.
    • There's a ice skating rink at the ground level.
  • There was a feeling of sadness when we had to leave Kazakhstan.
  • Overall, my travel to Almaty was unforgettable.
    • I still remember how happy I was once I get there.

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