
Text from SophiaD - English

  • Scotland 2.0

  • To the great delight of England, the No vote dominated the 18th of September, during the referendum for the independence of Scotland.
  • However, the case isn't closed yet.
  • Indeed, the British government is promising to give more power to Scotland, as a reward for voting to stay in the United Kingdom.
  • This could somehow appease the bitterness of the defeated Yes voters and letting Scotland decide for its own laws might help to decrease the well-known inequalities between the Scots and the inhabitants of the rest of the Union.
  • Several reasons could explain the quite high amount of the Yes voters.
  • One of the major one is that, for over 30 years, Scots have been paying higher taxes per inhabitant thant the UK averagge.
  • However, with less taxes income, it will be an even bigger challenge for Scotland to manage their spendings.
  • Indeed, Scotland has been spending beyond its mean, and this for quite a few years.
  • Its deficit increased again last year.
  • Therfrore, solving this problem with the decrease of taxes might lead to disastrous consequences such as cutting services.
  • However the process that will certainly lead to DevoMax, will take time to be put in place and the details are supposed to be clarified this coming November, with a draft legislation ready by January 2015.
  • The conditions themselves aren't yet clear, with each Scottish party making their requests to Westminster.
  • Even though the “No” did won, and the United Kingdom will remain united, changes be made and there is no way for Westminster and David Cameron to back out from their promises.
  • The latter actually already declared “Just as the people of Scotland will have more power over their affairs, so it follows that the people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland must have a bigger say over theirs.” The Scottish referendum created a wave of energy which will sweep the UK in its structure.