
Tekst fra - English

    • culture

    • there are many types of kabab in iran for example bakhtiyari and kubide my faviorite kabab is kubide .
    • first you must grand meat and mix it with onion then add some salt and esparagus . after that squise them an poke them . put them and grilled on the oven ....after five miniut kabab is ready'''''''''''''hear you are!!!!!!!

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    • first you must grand meat and mix it with onion then add some salt and esparagus . after that squise them an poke them . put them and grilled on the oven ....after five miniut kabab is ready'''''''''''''hear you are!!!!!!!
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    • fFirst you must graind the meat and mix it with onion then add some salt and easparagus . aAfter that, squiseeze them and poke them . pPut them and grilled o in the oven .... after five miniutes the kaebabs is ready'''''''''''''heare you are!!!!!!!
    • fFirst, you must graind the meat and mix it with onion t. Then add some salt and easparagus . a After that squiseeze them and poke them . p Put them and grilled oin the oven ....a. After five miniutes the kabab is ready'''''''''''''hear. Here you are!!!!!!!
    • first you must grand meat and mix it with onion then add some salt and esparagus . after that squise them an poke them . put them and grilled on the oven ....after five miniut kabab is ready'''''''''''''hear you are!!!!!!! ¶¶First you must grind the meat and mix it with onions, then add some salt and asparagus, after that squeeze them to get the excess fluid out of them, poke them with the skewers. Place them in the over or grill for five minutes and the kebabs will be ready to eat. Here you are bon appetit a vous.
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