
Text od Dawka - English

  • Norway

  • Last month I visited Norway.
    • I want to share with you my impressions It is land of fjords, ice, and aurora borealises.
    • There are dence forests, coldness and wild north climate.
    • And that's where the legends of vikings and valkeries happened.
    • The parts of rich country's history are scattered on all territory but the main sight of Norway is nature.
  • The local fjords are considered to be one of the picturesque places on the planet.
    • There are water smooth surfaсes like mirrors.
    • There are mountains which high and form is very exciting.
    • One native miracle folllows other.
    • After all you often can see a beautiful aurora borealis here.
    • There are small villages with red like doll's houses and deers graces.
    • If you are going to Norway, don't forget the camera!