
Text od linny123 - English

  • My project

    • My final year project is about characterization and modeling of thermal and optical properties of the lamp which is used in automobiles.
  • The thermal and radiative disciplines were applied in several complete numerical models.
  • I started with literature search, studying the examples and watching their teaching videos.
    • Several weeks later, I succeeded in building a simple model under the help of other engineers which I presumed that the bulb is a surface (has no thickness).
    • After that, I met a challenge of this project and no one succeeded for 3 years.
  • It was to model the change of temperature on the surfaces (interior and exterior) of the bulb.
    • I discussed with other engineers and exchanged ideas with technicians, finally, I succeeded to prove that the bulb is a thin optical material which means the difference of temperature in interior surface and exterior surface could be ignored.
  • This difficulty was simply and unexpectedly solved.
    • During my work, I insisted in submitting progress reports to my tutor and making schedule of periodic tasks.
    • The communication among the teammates made us worked efficiently.
    • My paper about this work was published in the ‘Key Engineering’.