
Text von RaquelOrtega - English

    • A ordinary Tuesday

    • Hi, everyone!!
    • I will tell you my last night.
    • Yesterday in the morning my friend came back from Almería.
    • She was there working like a waitress for two months.
  • I have missed her during this time.
    • So yesterday we had to celebrate our brush!!
    • My friend, her boyfriend and me went to dinner and later we was in a pub drinking something.
    • It was a good night, we was laughing so much and talking about all time that we have been separated.
    • I'm really glad to know of them again and I'm sure that this course will be a good time for us!!
    • Well, thanks a lot for read and correct my text!
    • I'm looking forward to your correction!
  • Kisses and hugs, Raquel

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English