
Text from HugoRodrguez - English

    • My text of the day

    • Sometimes I mix english with french and I think I do it because I don't practice enough of both langauges because there are many similars words in english and in french that sometimes I don't find the differences.
    • When I read books i can read five hundred pages of a book in english and I understand 90% of it but when I need to express myself then english isn't the best way to do it.
    • I know a lot of vocabuly but I don't use it when I talk because I don't know when is the best moment to use it, I'm afradi because when I was 14 years old I didn't use to think before wirtting in english now I'm 18 and I don't know if it's the age or because I'm trying to use a better vocabulary that I found my english worst than before, I can keep a conversation with natives speakers and I can keep wirtting for hours, I can also listen to music, videos and I understand them.
    • I know that I won't get anything by complaining so I'll start writting text and talking about the thinks I've learned in the day, so then one day I'll describe my whole day like I do in Spanish.


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
    • Sometimes I mix english with french and I think I do it because I don't practice enough of both langauges because there are many similars words in english and in french that sometimes I don't find the differences.
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    • Sometimes I mix eEnglish with fFrench and I think I do it because I don't practice enough of both langauages because t. There are many similars words in eEnglish and in fFrench that sometimes I don't find the differences.
    • Sometimes, I mix eEnglish with fFrench and I think I do it because I don't practice enough of both langauages, because there are many similars words in eEnglish and in fFrench that sometimes I don't find the differences.
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  • Sentence 2
    • When I read books i can read five hundred pages of a book in english and I understand 90% of it but when I need to express myself then english isn't the best way to do it.
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    • When I read books iI can read five hundred pages of a book in eEnglish and I understand 90% of it, but when I need to express myself then eEnglish isn't the best way to do it.
    • When I read books iI can read five hundred pages of a book in eEnglish and I understand 90% of it but when I need to express myself then e, English isn't the best way to do it.
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  • Sentence 3
    • I know a lot of vocabuly but I don't use it when I talk because I don't know when is the best moment to use it, I'm afradi because when I was 14 years old I didn't use to think before wirtting in english now I'm 18 and I don't know if it's the age or because I'm trying to use a better vocabulary that I found my english worst than before, I can keep a conversation with natives speakers and I can keep wirtting for hours, I can also listen to music, videos and I understand them.
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    • I know a lot of vocabulyary, but I don't use it when I talk because I don't know when is the best moment to use it,. I'm afradid because when I was 14 years old I didn't use to think before wrirtting in eEnglish n. Now I'm 18 and I don't know if it's the age or because I'm trying to use a better vocabulary that I found my eEnglish worste than before,. I can keep a conversation with natives speakers and I can keep wrirtting for hours,. I can also listen to both music, and videos and I understand them.
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  • Sentence 4
    • I know that I won't get anything by complaining so I'll start writting text and talking about the thinks I've learned in the day, so then one day I'll describe my whole day like I do in Spanish.
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    • I know that I won't get anything by complaining, so I'll start writting text and talking about the thinkoughts I've learned in the day, sowhich then one day I'll describe my whole day like I do in Spanish.
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