
Text från Ben180 - English

  • Some thoughts about my future

    • When I was a kid, I said to myself "I will live in foreign country", and the more I grew up, the bigger this idea became.
  • And here I am, a student dreaming about traveling the world.
  • I still want to go abroad, at least for a few years, so as a student I've been trying to find out in what way I could go.
    • The obvious answer to my quest is to study abroad and there are actually two mains ways to do a such thing.
    • The fist one is to be in a university that promote exchanges with foreign universities, unfortunately these kinds of exchanges are uncommons in mine (I know I should have think about it before...).
    • But the good news is that, next year, I am probably going to change for an other because of my results.
    • Which is taking us to the second point : to be in a foreign university.
  • What if I go on my own, instead of looking for a university that would maybe send me abroad?
    • And why not going to a foreign university that could send me somewherelse?