
Text from mathydef - English

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  • Hi!!
    • I'm Matilde,I'm an italian girl, and I am a law student.....I have a lot of interests and one of these has always been the english language....I have started to study english when I was just a child and even if i have chosen to study jurisprudence i have never stopped to love this language....I hope this forum will allow me to learn more and more of the english language....well I hope you won't find too much mistakes in this text eheh....bye!!!


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    • I'm Matilde,I'm an italian girl, and I am a law student.....I have a lot of interests and one of these has always been the english language....I have started to study english when I was just a child and even if i have chosen to study jurisprudence i have never stopped to love this language....I hope this forum will allow me to learn more and more of the english language....well I hope you won't find too much mistakes in this text eheh....bye!!!
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    • I'm Matilde,I'm an iItalian girl, and I am a law student.....I have a lot of interests and one of these has always been the eEnglish language....I have started to study eEnglish when I was just a child and even if iI have chosen to study jurisprudence i have never stopped to loveloving this language....I hope this forum will allow me to learn more and more of the eEnglish language....well I hope you won't find too muchany mistakes in this text eheh....bye!!!
    • I'm Matilde,I'm an italian girl, and I am a law student.....I have a lot of interests and one of these has always been the english language....I have started to studying english when I was just a child and even ifthough i have chosen to study jurisprudence i have never stopped to loveloving this language....I hope this forum will allow me to learn more and more of the english language....well I hope you won't find too much mistakes in this text eheh....bye!!!
    • I'm Matilde,I'm an iItalian girl, and I am a law student.....I have a lot of interests and, one of thesewhich has always been the eEnglish language....I have started to study englishit when I was just a child. and even if iI have chosen to study jurisprudence iI have never stopped to love ithis language....I hope this forum will allowenable me to learn more and more ofabout the eEnglish language....well I hope you won't find too muchany mistakes in this text eheh....bye!!!
    • I'm Matilde,. I'm an iItalian girl, and I am a law student..... I have a lot of interests, and one of these has always been the eEnglish language....I have I started to study eEnglish when I was just a child and even if i. Even though I have chosen to study jurisprudence ilaw, I have never stopped to love this English. I hope this forum will allow me to learn more and more of the english language....wEnglish. Well, I hope you won't find too muchany mistakes in this text eheh....b Bye!!!
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