
Texto de dinaly - English

    • My translation (part 1)

    • Today I did translate on English more sentens.
    • Here it is: If a people don't take care of their parents they can be cousidered good even if they are very clever and beautiful.
    • The public creates public opinion, crowd destroys individuality.
    • An army is of all types of weapons and all types military institutions.
    • Spanish police are conduct operations against drug traffickers.
    • Staff determines the success and development of the company.
    • Every successful business is always idea which distinguishes it from other.
  • Consumer society makes people dependent.
    • Poultry adapts to different environmental conditions is good.
    • Healthy and beautiful hair is result of correct diet.
    • Everything buy the furniture elite furniture is sale in shopping mall.
    • This sentens is difficult for me =).

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English