
Texto de sosso801 - English

  • Text 1

    • She could'nt think of him as a dead body, as a disppreared spirit.
    • She still belived she could touch him one last time, feel his soft skin under her fingers, take his hand in hers, make a sweet pressure on his arm, as she did it before, as she had always done it.
    • She wished she could smell him one last time, let his powerful perfume blow her nose, enter it, travel deep into her up to the very bottom of her soul.
    • But she said "no".
    • A painful and heavy "no".
  • No, she didn't want to see him again.
    • Not now that his skin had become whiter than a wintersky.
    • Not now that he had closed his eyes forever, now that his eyelids hid the power of his look and cancelled the passion she used to see in it.
    • And the days flew with no light.
  • She could hardly imagine that her life was going on without him.
    • She saw no happy face at her side, she heard no laugh around her anymore, she felt no warm air, no sunbeams on her skin, she smelled no flower, no tree, no woman frangance, and she knew she would'nt be able to taste no more sweet flavour, no more delicious candy without him beside her.