טקסט של - English

  • check me please

  • No one lived so wonderfully and freely as Princess Lindagul.
  • Through the window glass, made of rock crystal, sun rays reached into her marble palace.
    • (There) she rested (there) nightly on soft silk pillows and when the morning came her servents saw her out to a wonderful pool (made) of ivory and mother-of-pearl.
    • By day (in the daytime) she sewed with silk and gold, played (the) zithern and walked in the garden under (the) palm trees, listen to (the) singing of (the) birds and gamboled like a kid among butterflies and roses.
    • After all Princess Lindagul was merely twelve years (old).
  • However twelve years (old) (on) in the South is like sixteen (years old) in the North.
  • It's not very nice to live in luxury and see all your wishes fulfilled at the smallest wave of a hand.
  • A lot of people are getting overcome with pride and whims.
    • Princes Lindagul wasn't wasn't one of them.
    • But bit by bit she got bored as well.
  • She didn't know why it (had) happened but (the) flight of butterflies, perfume of flowers and sounds of a zithern didn't amuse her anymore.
    • She began noticing with wonder that (often) she often wants to cry.
  • Neither she nor her maidservants could get clue what it arose from.
    • Eventually, it seemed to her (that) she comprehended why she couldn't rejoice anymore.
    • It must have been because she felt herself a captive in her own palace.
  • She desired at least once to rejoice at peoples' crowd in the big city Isfahan.
  • And that's why once when (the) father visited her again she asked him to allow her to see (a)the beasts duel which was supposed to take place on Shah's birthday.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English