從Darina1997來的文本 - English

  • Plz correct my mistakes Thank u in advance

    • Plz choose right variants (ones which are in brackets or which aren't) And if they both are right don't change anything.
    • The princess Tindagul Once upon a time there lived (there was) a Persian king (called) named Shah Nadir.
  • He was limitlessly wealthy and reigned over a lot of wonderful countries and millions of people.
    • High halls of his palaces were loaded with gold and precious stones and his ships crossed all the(no article) oceans of the world.
    • When he emerged in his capital, Isfahan, he was surrounded by bodyguards in silver (suits of) armors.
    • And fifty thousand hoursemen on splendid horses with gold (golden) bridles and saddles shining( brightended ) with precious stones were always ready at his smallest signal to rush straight- to conquer the world.
  • However, mighty Shah Nadir didn't dream anymore about wars and and conquest.
    • He gained (in his life) not few little victories (in his life).
    • But now he became infirm (weak) and old and (he) rarely left soft purpuric sofas of the royal palace.
    • Only here and there when blessed coolness was flowing down (the) mountains he sat down into an (adorned with gold) palaquin (adorned with gold). which was carried by eight black-skinned slaves dressed in gowns embroidered with silver.
    • Then he ordered to carry him to review of (the) troops or beasts (animals) single combats.
    • Shah Nadid (had), as it's accustomed in the west, (had) a lot of wives and also a lot of sons.
    • However he hadn't much joy from his sons.
    • Ungrateful and vain they claimed their father's crown.
    • That's the reason he sent them away from the palace to remote provinces in which they reigned (over) as deputies.
    • And at home with Shah Nadire there lived his only and precious to him daughter - princess Lindagul that he loved more that he loved above all in the world.
    • Such name as Lindagul had never been heard in Persia before.
    • But the thing is that princess's mother came from the far North.
    • In the youth she got into (in) captivity to (of) an african pirate.
  • And at long last due to her incomparable beauty she was was sold to the Persian Shah.
    • He lifted her on high (raised her) and made her the greatest of her wives and loved her essentially more then his other wives.
    • The beautiful wife of a shah that had already died (had died already) called her only daughter Lindagul which means 'Golden linden'.
    • She wanted to express(say) that the princess was as pure and beautiful as spring as the sun (the) golden rays of which played in spring among the splendid lindens of the North.
    • The princess Lindagul inherited her father's royal deportment, and figure and face features from her mother.
  • Her heart was noble and tender.
    • Therefor in the whole nation of Shah NAdir there was no one who didn't love her.

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