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  • Tunkahuan Quinoa.- Quinoa is a native grain from the Andes, with exceptional nutritional value, mainly due to its high protein content; this grain is known by the natives as the "mother grain" because it is like breast milk, in terms of its nutritional contribution.
    • This cereal doesn't have gluten which enables its use in the diet for people with overweight or convalescents.
  • Main Harvest Months: June to August.
  • Banana.- Bananas are mainly grown in Ecuadorian Coast; this fruit has high potassium content that helps guard against high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and strokes, besides they contain a soluble fiber that aid in the digestive process.
  • Main Harvest Months: We've production in all year, being from December to May high season and June to November low season.
  • Pitahaya or Dragon Fruit.- The Pitahaya is an exotic fruit that is mainly grown in Ecuadorian East; this fruit has high Vitamin C content that is essential for the formation of bones, strengthening the immune system, also it is a good supplement for diets or obesity treatments and to detoxify the body.
  • This fruit is sweet with oval-shaped and deep red or yellow color, has its frothy pulp with small, soft seeds which can be edible.
  • According to the variety the Dragon fruit can measure between 8 and 12 cm long and between 6 to 10 cm diameters; it can weigh until 380 g.
  • Main Harvest Months: February – March and July – August.
  • Arabic Coffee Beans.- Coffee consumption is beneficial for kidney disease as the formation of kidney stones, it also reduces the risk of colon cancer or cirrhosis.
  • The high content of antioxidants in coffee makes healthy to slow aging.
  • Its fruits (drupa or cherry) are oval; each drupa usually has two coffee beans that are covered by a membrane as film named “silverskin”.
  • Seeds can measure between 8,5 to 12,7 mm.
  • The Arabic varieties most grown in Ecuador are: Tipical, Caturra, Bourbon, Pacas, Catuaí, Catimor and Sarchimor.
  • Main Harvest Months: April to August

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