
Texto de Evgen_37 - English

  • The Monologue 2

  • At the time of the Soviet Union, the government sought for there to be zero unemployment.
    • For this reason, there were a lot of people who could do nothing on his job.
    • At the same time they couldn't be unemployed, because people who don't work for six months or more were guilty of committing a crime.
    • Besides, in Soviet Union there were no unemployment benefits.
    • It is believed that it was dishonest for people to go to work every day when they were not needed there.
    • So they couldn't spend their time for their deals. I don't agree.
    • I think this is a very small price for the things they were given, and they should be happy that they had a dwelling, they had hot and cold water, central heating, food and access to medical care.
    • And they had to just go to work every day for this.
  • Very often, we don't understand the value of these simple benefits.
    • In the Middle Ages, people were almost toothless at twenty years old, there was very high infant mortality, even reach people could die because of disease, which treated outpatiently now.
    • People were considered to be at an elderly at thirty, and were thought to be advanced age at forty five.
    • And, for example, in Russia, up until 1917, eight out of every hundred years were hungry with mass death of people because of stravation.
    • So, I believe that simple work every day is a small price for the things which the Soviet people had.