
Texto de Evgen_37 - English

  • The Pink Skirt

  • Today, when I was going home by trolleybus, I saw a girl.
    • She was about twenty two.
    • She had a very slick skin on her face, smooth legs (she worn a pink short skirt), and on her lap was a little black handbag.
    • Usually, girls put their handbags on their lap on order that people cannot see their panties.
    • There was a girl-friend with her, and with her small daughter.
    • There was baby carriage between me and them.
    • There was somethink not Russian in face of first girl.
    • Probably, I thought so because of her black eyes.
  • She had a deep voice.
    • It was some muffled, maybe because of her not Russian roots, or maybe because of she smokes.
    • From time to time I looked at girls and they looked at me too.
    • Girl with daughter looked at me only twice, but second one stoped her black eyes on me continuously during the journey.
    • I looked at her face and her hands, and sometimes I looked to place where lied her handbag.
    • There was a moment when she took her handbag, and sought something there, so I had observe her light blue panties.
    • It was lasting three or four seconds.
    • I sure she understood that I saw it.
  • Frequently, girls want to please men.
    • It was exactly the case, I think.
    • They came out to a bus stop near the hospital.
    • Mother of small girl took her daughter in her arms, girl with black eyes was going to take baby carriage, and I ask her: "Can I help you with carriage?", "No-o-o", - replyed she with a smile.
    • She took baby carriage and they both and small girl came out from the trolleybus.
  • It was a hot evening.
    • I stood near the window and took pleasure with wind from it.