
Text from ev9eniy - English

  • A Letter to a Language Tutor

  • Dear Jon, I am writing to you because my two sons need help in learning English.
    • One of them is eight years old and the other is 12 years old.
  • They study at primary school in a special language class with its focus on English.
  • My eldest son has a problem with tenses and despite the fact that he speaks fluently, he makes lots of mistakes during his speech.
  • My other son has a different problem and he cannot write any words in English.
  • Although it is only primary school, I am concerned about their development in foreign language and I would like to find a solution for these problems.
  • Do you think you could send me your resume and information about your work experience in teaching?
  • I am wondering if you have experience with teaching such young children.
  • I would also like to receive any suggestions from you about how you could help my sons.
  • Yours sincerely, Evgeniy.