
Text od Kontrarian - English

    • Why am I going to use less internet?

  • Why am I going to use less internet?
  • I think that the answer for this question is quite simple.
    • I think that I would be a happier person without using so much the internet.
    • I have got so much to do and internet is holding me back.
    • So much plans I still need to finish.
    • For example, I still need to learn so much of english grammar.
    • I did only one third of english grammar book.
  • Today I did only two units from it.
  • Probably after writing these sentences I will do another two units.
    • I was also thinking that rather than writing twenty sentences in english and twenty sentences in spanish I would write only fourty in english.
    • Reason for this is that during July and August I really need to get my english to a level like never before.
    • I still have a lot of motivation to learn english.