
Мәтін алынған ... - English

    • foods in summer

    • The temperature in Tokyo now is very comfortable, though there are some hot days at time.
    • The highest temperature is around 25 degrees Celcius, and the lowest is around 20.
    • But it is gradually getting higher and higher in these season.
    • The highest temperature in the hottest days in a year here is around 38 degree!
    • It's also humid in summer, so everyone suffer from the heat!
  • So we eat shaved ice to cool down.
  • There are a lot of flavors of shaved ice.
  • Strawberry, melon, matcha(green tea), ume plum...
    • Fruits like watermelon are also cool me down in summer, but I like shaved ice the most!
  • たまに暑い日もあるけど、今の東京の気温はとても快適。 最高気温は大体25度くらいで、最低気温は20度くらい。 でも今の時期は、だんだん気温が上がってきてる。 一年で一番暑い時期の最高気温は大体38度くらいにもなるんだよ! 夏は湿度も高いので、みんな夏バテしちゃう。 だから私達はかき氷をたべる。 かき氷には色んな味がある。 イチゴ、メロン、抹茶、梅…。 夏はスイカとかの果物を食べるのも涼しくていいけど、私はかき氷が一番好きだな!

Әр сөйлемді дұрыстауға көмектесіңізші - English