
Text od zhanshijuan - English

  • The Typhoon

    • The typhoon is occuring here in Xiamen.
    • It rains heavyly with the strong wind belowing all the time.
    • I found the clothes and shoes in balcony was all wet.
    • I walked out the apartment to, my umbrella was broken by the wind about 10 seconds later.
    • It is 8:00 am, I would be late, if I go back to wait the rain become small.
    • But I couldn't move ahead without my umbrella, I got wet already.
    • I was struggling the better solution.
    • Maybe I should call my boss to ask for a leave, although its possibility is small.
    • So I called my colleague, she said she was on the bus, it is ok.
    • I was suprise how she walked to the bus station.
    • Anyway I have no excuse, if other colleague can go to work successfully.
    • I decided to back the apartment and bring a suit of clothes to change in the office, because the clothes I wore would definitely got wet.
    • And I wore the slipper.
    • On the way, I found there was an old tree was blown down.
    • Can you believe that I stopped and took a picture in that situation?
  • I think I was crazy.
    • Finally I arrived the office safely, 10 minutes late.