
Testo da CecileGreen - English

  • Story of the “Chapeaux Jumeaux” Part 2

  • Pirates throw objects in the stage and twin 2 try to take all of them.
  • TWIN 1 : To mighty for me, I go back and we had to flee.
  • TWIN 2 : The lotus was full of treasure like you can never see.
  • TWIN 1 : We missed the monsoon, we had to find another storm...
  • TWIN 2 : But in the lotus raft I found a lamp with a strange form.
  • TWIN 1 : When she cleaned it a genie came out !
  • One pirate appear from the bed.
  • GENIE: In the Sahara You will see some good storms without doubt.
  • TWIN 2: and with his power he shown us the route.
  • TWIN 1 : We follow the genie to the desert with his fast and flying carpet TWIN 2 : When we arrived we met the Tuareg people in the middle of a banquet.
  • TWIN 1 : They shared beverage (and food) and they take us for a long trip.
  • TWIN 2 : We eat (and drink) during all the travel with this welcoming equip.
  • TWIN 1: And the food was delicious !
  • TWIN 2: No the Drink was marvelous!
  • TWIN 1: After ten days of travel we thought we were misinform.
  • TWIN 2: But the wind came up and far away we saw the Sandstorm !
  • TWIN 1: The Tuareg people ran to flee the danger !
  • TWIN 2: Like fools, we charge on it with my brother !
  • TWIN 1: Then we were close to this beautiful sandstorm.
  • TWIN 2: When we enter in it, we felt like a life form !
  • TWIN 1: In the winds we saw a light and the Genie appear.
  • TWIN 2: And this idiot to save us blow and the storm disappear!
  • TWIN 1: It was our last chance, everything was over.
  • TWIN 2: Sad and angry we went back to the ship of our mother.
  • TWIN 1: When we found the StormBringer.
  • TWIN 2: We saw an amazing storm just behind her !
  • TWIN 1: They headed toward of our little boat.
  • All the crew run around the twins.
  • TWIN 2: We didn't search it and this one was cutthroat !
  • TWIN 2: By seeking and traveling we created our own hurricane !
  • TIWN 1: This one was the good one! we could feel it in the rain!
  • TWINS: At least we found our storm and we came on the ship.
  • TWINS: We found our hurricane, but didn't find our hats during the trip.
  • The captain leaves the round and arrive behind the twins.
  • TWINS: Our hats always stayed here since our departure !
  • TWINS: But we didn't see them before our adventure !