
Tekst fra - English

  • Natural disasters

  • Very often people come across with different natural disasters.
  • Unfortunately we can’t stop them.
  • Believers consider natural disasters to be something from above.
  • This is why people can do nothing to avoid them.
  • Volcano eruptions are one of the most destructive natural disasters.
  • During a volcanic eruption, lava, tephra, and various gases are expelled from a volcanic vent.
  • Then lava rushed from the top of the mountain covers all on its way.
  • Just in few minutes all the nearby houses and very often the whole villages turn out to be buried under lava.
  • Fortunately, nowadays there exist warnings considering different natural disasters.
  • So in case of some volcano eruption people of the nearby area usually got a timely warning.
  • Thus they have enough time to evacuate before the lava will reach this nearby area.
  • A timely warning can save thousands lives of humans and some part of their property and cattle.
  • Another natural disaster happens quite often in risk zones.
  • It is an earthquake.
  • An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves.
  • It is a dreadful natural disaster as if the level of an earthquake is high it can cause lots of serious disruptions.
  • The whole buildings can fall down through the cracks in the ground.
  • Other buildings can turn into ruins.
  • Such natural disasters usually cause damage assessed millions or even milliards dollars.
  • Moreover, earthquakes results in a great deal of casualties.
  • Tornado or hurricane is a common natural disaster for many regions.
  • But it doesn’t make it less horrible.
  • A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulus cloud.
  • When people hear a storm warning, they need to hide somewhere in a cellar not to be injured or killed by tornado.
  • When a hurricane is over you can see demolished houses with smashed windows, upturned cars, twisted metals, uprooted trees, victims of a tornado, in a word, a total devastation.
  • Floods seem to be not as horrible as tornadoes or earthquakes, but such an impression is misleading.
  • A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land which is usually dry.
  • One of the main reasons of floods is rain, usually torrential.
  • When it rains for several weeks without breaks, it is undeniable that rivers can overflow.
  • Another reason is thawing snow.
  • In the wake of a flood all the nearby houses turned out to be buried under the water.
  • Household items float along the river together with cars, cattle and people.
  • The whole villages are paralyzed.
  • They go without any power supply, so they are completely cut off from other people.
  • Wildfires cause lots of harm not for people and their places of living, but for the forests and wild animals as well.
  • A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire in an area of highly inflammable flora that occurs in the countryside or a wild area.
  • Flames of wildfires damage a great number of trees in forests.
  • Thus lots of animals can lose their usual places of living; some of them can even die.
  • It takes hundreds years for the burnt forests and plains to recover from the fire.
  • Sometimes a wildfire can burn nearby villages.
  • In conclusion, I want say that natural disasters are dreadful, destructive and fatal, but they remind people of the value of human’s life.
  • What is more, I think that natural disasters are nothing in comparison with disasters of which people are guilty, such as wars, crimes and drugs.

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