
Texto de restdwi - English

    • please help me correcting this essay.

    • I’m a student who have graduated from SMA 3 Sukabumi sience major.
    • I like doing handicraft like DIY project to decorate my bed room by recycle unused items, making DIY accessories etc. I’m Interested being an entrepreneur in handicraft design field.
    • Handicraft not just a hobby for me but it’s my passion.
  • I used to feel anxious about my ability in design.
    • But I remember few years ago my mom bought me a book entitled Your Journey to be the #Ultimate U.
    • It’s told me that passion is not something that you are really good at, but passion is something that you like doing the most.
    • This quote is really motivated me.
  • I believe that everything can be learned.
  • I’ve been improving my skill and it’s going well.
    • My mom running a small business at home as a tailor, helped with 3 labors .
  • It’s been running for many years.
  • Her big dream is to develop her small business turn into a boutique.
    • I’m so inspired by my mom she willing to foster unemployed people to make them get a better life.
  • And I’m ready to make my mom’s dream come true.
  • I’m highly sure about it.
    • Besides, I choose want to get in creative industry because of I want to help government mission to prioritize domestic goods, Enhance the quality and the uniqueness of the goods and enhance the economic of Indonesia.
  • I don’t want to get a job, I want to make a job.
  • Indonesia has a huge potential because of Indonesia has many glamorous cultures which is can inspired people of creative industry. with creative and fresh ideas Indonesian cultures can be cultivated being an iconic of Indonesian creative Industry.
    • My short-term target is get into a good university by scholarship track to help satisfy my curiosity in entrepreneurship field, about How to learn about strategic of business and how to see a opportunities etc. And I think that Podomoro University is a good choice to help me learning about entrepreneurship.
    • For long-term, I want to studying abroad because knowledge is never get enough.
    • By studying abroad I can get many experience which I couldn’t get in Indonesia such as expending networks relation, learn about new cultures, new languages, meet new people, obtain a comparison about what kind of system they use in running a business, I will absorb the positive thing and then customize it with the system which is using here .
    • I want to be a professional young entrepreneur who bring social mission to foster unemployed people in productive age to help them developing their creativity.
    • After finishing my study If I get my money right I want to start running a business while developing my mom’s business.