
Text from ShirleyLin - English

    • the tooth was wrong and pulled out.

  • I am a nurse.
    • One of dentists in our hospital, who always ask questions when it is impossible for a patient to answer.
    • Once, the dentist was helping a patient to pull out a tooth.
    • The dentist did not realize that he had pulled out a wrong tooth before the patient told him.
    • As usual, the dentist would like to ask questions to the patient such as whether he like a new job or how is the patient’s brother.
    • I could imagine that the patient never answer them except that the patient either nodded or made a strange noise during the patient’s mouth was full of cotton wool.
    • Meanwhile, the patient was searching out the hole in which the tooth had been.
    • Although he felt very worried at that moment, he could not say anything to stop dentist whom at last removed the cotton wool from the mouth.