טקסט של - English

  • Something about me

  • My name is Cristina and I'm 26 years old.
    • I gratuated last March in Economic science, but actually I don'like this subject very much.
    • My lifelong ambition is to work in a multicultural environmemt, that's why I am always trying to improve my English, which is the most important language nowadays.
    • I wish to fulfil my ambition one day, but I know I have to go to great lenghts to do it!
  • I have been studying English for many years, but the main problem is that I haven't met the right teachers.
    • And doubtlessly I should practice my English overseas, talking with native speakers.
  • However, I will not give up and I hope I'll become very good in the future.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English