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  • Thailand

    • I have tio write about the country that I would like to visit, this country is Thailand. three or four years ago I have visited an a veterinary student's blog, in it she was posting all travels she had doing, one of them was to Thailand and she post so many potos of this country.
    • This country is very different with another countrys, there are village over rivers and lakes, a navigable market, where you are buying in a boat (yeah! it's so strange), there're many exotic places, old and abandoned villages with an special architecture.
    • She posted this country is so cheap and the people is too kind.
  • I think when I'll visit it, I'll be visiting so many villages, I think I won't be in the capital city so much time because I'd like to aproach my time discovering so many exotic places.
  • When I was a child I imagined this place as another world with strange cities, coloured landscape and beautiful beaches everywhere.
    • I really like to visit it

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