
Text from Sabina3000 - English

  • Please help me. Can you correct CAPSLOCK words?

  • This is the hardest part for me!
  • Put in the required articles: III) I read recently in …THE...
  • “ Times” that ...A... big American company, General Motors, has developed …A…vehicle that uses …THE...power of …THE…sun in stead of ... petrol.
    • ...THE…Vehicle is called Sunraycer.
    • Sunraycer has just taken part in …A….race against 25 solar powered vehicles.
    • …THE…route of…THE…race was from Darwin to Adelaide, …AN…immense distance.
  • Sunraycer covered..
  • THE…distance in 45 hours at AN..average of 41 miles…AN…hour in temperatures as high as 48 C.
    • It beat all other cars by two and …A… half day!
    • Sunraycer (ray of the sun + racer) is certainly…THE…car of…THE…future.
    • ..?... light travels faster than...?...sound.
    • was still dark to ...THE...east, but it would soon be...THE...dawn.
    • On the whole we had...A...fine weather.
    • There's...A...splendid view of...THE...Lake Geneva from...THE...hotel.
  • We've had...A...mild winter.
    • It was...AN...early morning when...THE...train pulled into...A...station.
  • Will you be able to in time?
  • - I'm afraid not.
    • It's...A...hard work and I have...A...little time.
    • As you stand on the rim of the canyon, ...THE...Colorado River, one of...THE...America's largest ones, looks smaller than a brook.
    • To the west, on the wild delta of...THE...4000-kilometer-long Mississippi River, is...A...New Orleans.
  • Portugal is...A...small country in the western part of...THE...Pyrenees Peninsula on...THE...Atlantic coast.