
Tekst fra - English

  • Telic and Atelic verbs

  • 1.
    • He eats so slowly.
    • He breakfasted for 45 minutes. 2.
  • He wolfs down on his food.
    • He breakfasted in 10 minutes. 1.
    • He breakfasted on canned peaches for a month. 2.
    • He breakfasted on canned peaches in ten minutes. 1.
    • He breakfasted on that cake for a week. 2.
    • He breakfasted on that cake in a week. 1.
  • He had breakfast in ten minutes. 2.
  • He had breakfast for ten minutes. 1.
  • The parents wanted to escape the kids, so they dined for 3 hours at that restaurant. 2.
    • The monks fast all week and dine in half an hour on Friday. 3.
    • Before the cinema, we had dinner in 30 minutes. 4.
  • We had dinner for 30 minutes.

Venligst hjælp med at rette hver en sætning! - English