
Evgen_37'den mesaj - English

    • Leo Tolstoy. The Philipok 2

    • - What are you doing here?
  • - shout teacher.
    • Philipok cought hat and spoke nothing. - Who are you?
    • Philipok was silent.
    • - Are you dumb?
  • Philipok was so afraiding that wasn't able to speak.
    • - If you don't want to speak, then go home.
    • Philipok want to speak something very much, but his throat was dry with fear.
  • He had saw to teacher and began cry.
  • Teacher felt sorry for him.
  • He stroked his head and asked the children, who is this boy?
    • - This is Philipok, he is Kostya's brother, he want to go to school long ago, but his mother don't let him and he went to school secretly. - Well.
  • Sit down to bench near the your brother.
    • I will ask your mother that she let you go to school.
  • Teacher began show letters to Philipok, but Philipok knew it and he was able to read a little.
    • - Compose your name, - said teacher.
    • Philipok composed.
  • - Good, - said teacher, - Who did learn you read?
    • Philipok became brave and said: Kostya.
    • I'm brave, I had understood all immediately.
    • I'm very clever!
    • Teacher laughed and said: do you know prayers?
    • Philipok said: I know, and began to speak Mother of God.
    • But he was speaking every word incorrect.
    • Teacher stoped him and said: stop brag and learn.
    • Since then Philipok began go to the school whith other children.

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