
Texto de Clarinetto - English

  • Questions

  • Dear English speakers out there, I have a question to ask.
    • I am preparing an essay for my linguistics class and I have some doubts about some verbs: being not a native speaker, I'd like to ask you if some of there sentences make sense or not.
  • Please note that I don't need you to rephrase them (e.g.: They consumed dinner in an hour): i need to know whether they are correct or not 1) They breakfasted for 10 minutes.
    • 2) They breakfasted in 10 minutes.
  • 3) They dined for an hour.
    • 4) They dined an hour.
  • 5) They snacked on junk food for three days.
    • 6) They snacked on junk food in three days.
    • 7) The cows grazed in the pasture for a month.
    • 8) The cows grazed in 2 hours.
    • 9) The herdsmen grazed the cows for a whole day.
    • 10) The herdsmen grazed the cows in 2 hours.
    • And: does the verb "to lunch" (or "to lunch on") exists?
    • I can't find any concrete example, even "to dine (on)" and "to breakfast (on)" exist.
  • Thanks in advance!

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English