
Text från brendachini - English

  • A Biography of Juan German Fernandez

  • Juan German Fernandez known as Piti Fernandez is a composer and a singer.
    • Now a days, he is part of the band "Las Pastillas Del Abuelo".
  • Piti was born in Buenos Aires on 14 November 1982.
  • Today he is 31 years old.
  • He went to Mariano Acosta school in Caballitos, Buenos Aires.
    • When he was a child, he always was interesed in activities such as soccer,taekwondo and theater.
  • Since he was a child, he has expressed admiration for Joaquin Sabina and Indio Solari.
    • At age of 15, he discover his vocation as musician.
    • In 1997, he started to compose and sing some songs with a group of friends from the high school.Then, in 2002 they created the band "Las Pastillas Del Abuelo" as we know now.
    • They became famous by internet with the song "El Sensei".
  • At the present time, Juan German continue in Las Pastillas del Abuelo.
    • Now a days is a popular band in Argentina and in Mexico, Chile and Uruguay too.
  • They do tours around the countrys all the year and a lot of people pay for see they.
    • Womans die for Piti because he is a handsome, sweet and good man but he is fallen in love with Sabrina Chamoto, and they are expecting a baby.