
Сообщение от anhquang58 - English

    • I would like to make friend..

    • Yesterday, I went to an English club with my close friend.
    • This is a group about free talk and this is the frist time I come here.
    • My friend is good at English but I am not.
    • So, I only listened to they talk together.
    • Sometimes, they also asked me some questions but I answer very simple, very short :) I understanded what they say and I would like to speak but I can't speak because i don't know to use my words, and it's hard to express.
    • Therefore, to day I register an account in this site.
    • I know this site through a share experiences of my friend in facebook.
    • I hope to make friend with everyone.
  • P.S: I know my English is not good.
    • If i make mistake, free to correct me. Thank you! ^^

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