
Tekst fra - English

  • A picture of Alepo

    • Hi guys! today i will talk about a photograph. it was taken in the year 2013.
  • The photo shows a member of the syrian liberation army feeding a cat in the street.
  • The photo was taken in the midst of war in the city of Alepo in Siria.
  • Muzaffar Salman was the one who took this great photograph.
    • This picture toured the world, because is hopeful and shows that we must never abandon our humanity. the photographer of this photo, became very famous, mainly by the content of the photo.
  • Muzaffar Salman has many photos and many of them show the harshness of war.
  • I like the photograph for various reasons. first of all, there is shown a single photo: the harshness of war and the hope of humanity.
  • Secondly, show in the same picture two things; I like one and not the other.
  • I like the cats and hate the guns.

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