
Text od sunyvuong - English

    • A happy day !!

  • I was very happy today.
    • I got up early than the day before.
    • Then, I went to the cinema with my cousin by bus.
    • Especially, I could go there without uncomfortable feeling or have a headache.
    • While we are finding the way to go to the cinema.
    • 2 foreign boys asked me the way go to the Independent residence.
    • But I didn't know how to depict for them.
  • I felt a little sad.
    • They thanked me and continued to find it!
    • After that, we kept go on to the cinema.
  • I was so excited because I hope I could watch mama film a long time.
  • But when I got there.
    • The staff said that The film was started on 9:15 am, but we came there at 11:40 am.
    • So we had to watch the other movie.
  • I was so disappointed.
    • But the film which we watched not really badly!
    • When the film has been ended, we took a walk around Ben Thanh market.
  • After that, we went home.
    • But I came home alone on the bus.
  • She went back to her house.
  • And I, I went back to my house..!!