
Text from ivan20 - English

  • love versus frienship

  • What qualities do you think your girlfriend should have?
  • Should she be someone you can talk to about anything?
  • If you and your girlfriend have many things in common, then you can probably enjoy a long and happy relationship.
  • But maybe you have some friends who will tell you they are not friends with their partner, that they don’t know everything about her and , more importantly, that they don’t want their partners to know everything about them, because, for them, mystery equals excitement.
  • Confusing love with friendship can be very dangerous.
  • Friendship help us to stay together or make a relationship last longer than it would otherwise.
  • But if there’s no magic, and that’s what love is, things are not going to go smoothly for longer.
  • In the end, you realize there’s something you don’t have and need, something that makes life worth living because it doesn’t happen all the time, something magical that can change the way you feel in just a moment, getting you out of your routine.
  • If not, as soon as another woman enters your life, you’ll realize why you haven’t felt completed until that day.
  • You can’t rationalize this because it has nothing to do with reason but emotions.
  • Then, of course, if your relationship is based only on friendship it could already be too late to do something about it.
  • Maybe you have children or your wife needs you.
  • Maybe you’re moral principles show you a path of sacrifice and acceptance.
  • Maybe you think that life is not about being happy but about doing what you must do your duty and, that those who believe in being happy are people who haven’t grown up yet.
  • People who think like that usually ends up having lovers who help then to get that feeling of adventure and mystery they cannot longer get at home with their current partner.
  • For a few moments, they enjoy a time where they can relax and forget about their duties or responsibilities.
  • That’s a moment when they can be mischievous if they feel like and explore other areas of their personality, without most of the time, caring about how their lover feels about that.
  • Others cannot stand that kind of life; I mean having a lover is not for everyone.
  • It doesn’t matter if they can do it secretly.
  • They do know what they’re doing and that’s enough for not doing it.
  • They can’t fool themselves; they convinced that what they’re doing is wrong.
  • This kind of men have to choices: whether they sacrifice their happiness so they don’t hurt others or start a new life admitting that love and friendship is not the same thing.
  • I can’t forget about those other men who work many hours every day and meets always the same people.
  • This kind of men maybe will never find out why they’re not happy because they will never have the chance to find out.
  • Many times we realize things can be different when we meet someone who makes us feel things we thought we would not feel again.
  • Friendship makes love stronger and easier to keep alive, but can never replace it.
  • When you are sad, who is the person who can make you feel better?
  • The one you feel understands what you’re going through?
  • A friend, of course, and then, you start telling that person everything about you and that makes you feel better, happier, enjoying a new peace you needed badly.
  • Maybe you just broke up with a girl you were in love with, a woman you never got to understand, a woman who made nervous, angry and happy all at the same time in a mixed way you can’t explain.
  • A friend, on the contrary, will never make feel that way.
  • She is the one who loves you the way you are.
  • No need to change your personality or make any extra efforts to please your partner, she likes you for what you are.
  • It’s like a ship that enters into a harbor to protect itself from a storm.
  • Once in there it is safe as soon as the weather changes, it will leave the harbor again.
  • That’s the reason why there are many men who would end up that relationship once they get all their confidence back.
  • They’re like injured birds which, once they recover, flow away.
  • Many men, though, will never leave their partners not feeling ever ready to do it, maybe preventing their wives from experiencing real love.