
Text von whiterose1 - English

  • Is it difficult to forget?

    • Does one mistake make a person bad for ever ?
    • The story began, with two friends walked in the desert.
    • During the journey the two friends argued then one of them smote another on his face.
    • The man how was hit on his face and suffered but without saying a single word, he wrote in the sand :" Today my best friend hit me on my face" The two friends continued walking until they found an oasis, so they decided to swim.
    • The man who was hit on his face hung in quicksand and began to sink, but a friend grabbed him and saved him from drowning.
  • And after his friend saved him from the death, he wrote on a piece of rock:" Today my best friend saved my life".
    • His friend asked: why in the first time when I hit you you wrote in the sand and now when I rescue you wrote on the rock.
    • He replied: when one of us hurts we should write what he did on the sand where winds of tolerance it could erase.
    • But when one of us does something good we have to write what he did on the rock where there is not any kind of wind that can wipe them.

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English