
Text from Jul_A_Jul - English

  • My dream

    • Helloy everybody=) I want to tell to you about my dream.
    • The mainest part of my drean is achieving my goal.
  • I want to lean English and tie my future life with this.
  • I really like it.
    • I like to translate some texts, learn new words and rules, do some exercises and watch English videos.
  • I dream to be an interpreter.
    • But first step coming true my dream is my passing entrance exams.
    • I belive I will do it, but I still have some doubt=( Thats why I am carelessness, I know a lot of rules, words, constructions, but I usually allow many small mistakes in my writting and speaking.
    • My teacher said me I needed read in English a lot.
    • But I have a little time to my exams and I am afraid so I will pass my exams bad.
    • If someone has advices for me, help me please!=))*