
текст з - English

  • Free Time

    • I prefer spend my free time usefully.
  • So I learn English in class.
    • I am not satisfated by my work and I try to find some in my hobby that is not enough in my work.
    • My hobby is another work where I work in position of engineer on part time.
    • I make some programs for calculating of complex phisical processes.
    • Some part of free time I spend on surfing Internet and computer games.
    • Growing up the child takes the left half time.
    • Before I started English class I had visited club of thai box, but I had to drop it out because now English is more priorirty for me.
    • Before having a baby I could combine my hobbies but after he was born it was impossible and I have to choose what hobby I want keep.
  • Many domestic cares appear with a baby.

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