
Сообщение от ev9eniy - English

  • Why is extra money a good thing?

    • There is no doubt that money can bring to people happiness.
    • However, it also could have negative effect on a person’s life in case of extra money.
    • This essay is going to discuss props and cons of additional money.
    • First of all, when people get a plenty of money, it causes crucial issues in they lives.
    • These kinds of problems could be from unwise buying to robbery.
    • For instance, if a person, who is having extra money, buy a sport gear for home, it may not use him or she in the future.
  • Thus, money was squandered away.
    • Sometimes a person, who won a lottery, become a target for criminals and in the end loose his or her money and in the bad case scenario own life.
  • However, extra money also has benefits.
  • For example, people can spend it to make their dream come true.
    • They could buy a new tremendous flat, a new luxury car or taking a superb vacation to beautiful island in the ocean.
  • Nevertheless, extra money also could be spent on positive things.
  • These could be the healthiest food, the most efficient sport activities or the best doctors.
  • In addition, additional money also could be given to the poor or a person’s relatives.
    • As a result, it is improved the quality of their life.
    • To sum up, in my opinion, extra money not only could cause negative effect on a person life, but also could radically improve the life.
    • Therefore, it is almost depends on a person which way and how wise he or she would spend them.

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