
Text från EliNov - English

    • For true sweet teeth

    • All we know what exactly the Italian cuisine means.
  • Today I would like to talk about its wonderful desserts.
    • In Italian recipes you will not find some kind of complicated, time-consuming cakes.
    • What I mostly like about Italian deserts they are really simple to do but incredibly delicious at the same time.
    • Everybody will certainly like the classic combination of chocolate, coffee and citruses in tiramisu or gentle taste panna cotta - North Italian dessert made of cream, sugar and vanilla.
  • Endless variations of sugar, nut and biscuit cookies will please any sweet tooth.
  • My favorite one is cherry biscotti with pistachios.
  • It is not a secret that Italians put cheese absolutely everywhere even in deserts.
  • For example ricotta a popular ingredient in many desserts especially in cheesecakes because of its sweet taste and creamy texture.
  • Or mascarpone – known as the main ingredient of the world famous tiramisu.
    • I would like to tell you about my favorite Italian desert called ‘affogato’ which means “sunk”.
    • Put your favorite ice cream in a cup (I like classic vanilla) and full it with espresso and a drop of liquor and affogato is done.
    • But one of the best things about this recipe you can take a base, espresso and an ice cream, and give free rein to your imagination.
    • I advise to put some canned cherries and certainly to add a dark chocolate and some biscuits.
  • I promise it will be great.
    • Like a real sweet tooth I absolutely sure that Italian desserts cannot leave indifferent.
    • And if you decide to cook them you will not regret.
  • Elizabeth Novikova