
mimievan'den mesaj - English

    • Letter for my friend.

  • Hi Dallas! How are you?
    • I know that you wonder who I am, isn’t it?
    • Do you remember the gift that you sent when you have 14 years old?
    • It’s me who received the package.
    • As you know, sending a letter is so difficult and so long it’s why I put a lot of time to search your mail address, and finally, I’ve found the mail address and the facebook account of your father, and it’s only after this that I found your facebook account.
    • Then, I’m sorry for not replying sooner.
    • So let me to introduce myself.
    • My name is Mirado, I will have 16 years old and I’m in the final year in the Saint Joseph High School.
  • I live in Madagascar at Antsirabe.
    • I have got a sister; she has 19 years old and studies at the Institute for Political Studying in third year.
    • Therefore, you know almost several things about me, I hope that like me, you want to maintain a friendship with me and that you reply me as soon as you receive this.
    • Your friend, Mirado P.S.: Sorry for the mistakes but I still learn English.
    • And if you like to write me back, here are my details.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English