טקסט של - English

  • What is important for russian women

    • I was asked what is important and valuable for Russian women.
    • I thought the question a few days, and I identified three areas that have the greatest value for us - Russian beauties - from my experience.
  • Family stands on a first place for us, especially children .
    • After a woman gets married, her world begins to revolve around her husband and children .
    • She works , engages in housekeeping and children.
  • She often accepts important decisions, and she encourages her husband to the activity.
    • Russian wife takes an active role in the family.
  • My married female friends have time to do very much works during the day.
    • I am amazed these.
    • They do not think much about yourself, and they think a lot about the future of their children .
  • Basically we do not buy semis.
  • The women cook and bake yourself.
  • And dinner may consist of several dishes.
  • We don't have a role to leave our children with a babysitter, mostly russian women leave them with relatives: a grandmother, or aunt , or so on.
  • If a woman doesn't have this opportunity, she manages herself.
  • So marriage has little freedom and a lot of responsibilities .
  • Not looking at it, all the young girls dream of getting married, about a beautiful wedding and a happy family life .
  • Society looks with suspicion on unmarried women.
  • And it is normal, when not close people will ask, why are you still unmarried?
  • It is important for us to look good.
  • Going to work or school or somewhere else, we make a coiffure, dress well and make up.
    • Therefore, Russian women love to go shopping .
  • They stroll through the shopping center very often, and they just look at the shop windows - this is a popular leisure activity in the big cities .
    • Even in the villages, you can meet girls in high heels, and most of country-women dress beautiful ( fashionable) and have a makeup .
    • If a woman don't make up, it is surprising.
  • Russian women like furs, jewelry and beautiful things.
  • Of course, someone dress tastefully, someone dress tasteless, but every woman takes care of themselves .
  • Comfort is not important .
  • We like to use a folk recipes for self-care.
  • These are masks for hair, face, arms and so on , many women do it themselves from natural ingredients.
  • I like to look at Russian women.
  • This gives me aesthetic pleasure.
  • :-) But we spend a lot of time for that.
  • We love to chat .
  • We can talk with female friend on the phone for a long time.
  • And there are many anecdotes on this occasion.
  • :-) We also love to discuss with female friend about another female friend , i.e. to gossip.
  • In small cities, women even talk to unknown women.
  • And it is considered normal.
  • When I'm coming to this small town , I too do this with pleasure, since a lot of useful information is transmitted through these communication.
  • For example, I can get to know where better to eat, where better to buy, with whom it is better not to talk , and so on.
  • Generally , gossips reveal relationships within the group very well, and they distribute useful information very quickly.
  • We are also very hospitable.
  • We always meet with kindness of not even invited guests, feed them and talk to them.
  • So, family, beauty and intercourse, this is what occupies the major part of our life, part of my life.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English