

Text from flovac - English

    • Good reasons to start learning a new language

    • language "We should learn languages because foreign languages are the only thing that's worth being known, even poorly." Kato Lomb When I meet people that have little or no interest in languages, that don't see a great interest et that don't even want to consider learning one, I'm always surprised by their lack of open-mindedness.
    • For my part, I've always wanted to know more about languages, knowing the benefit related to the mastery even partial of a foreign language, worth widely the necessary efforts of learning one.
    • So for those of you who might have some motivation issues regarding language learning, I compiled for you the five best reasons to learn a foreign language 1.Travel That's the most obvious reason :) And even if knowing the mother tongue of the country we're visiting is not essential to enjoy the travel, that will still allow you to fully enjoy all the different facets of the country.You will have the opportunity to understand and live the culture of the country more easily and fully.
    • Speaking and exchanging with the natives of the country is also one of the most humanly rewarding experience that you can have during a trip.You will better understand the differences of culture, education, social classes, lifestyle and traditions.
    • Moreover, you'll extand your network of acquaintance and you'll befriend new people.As an example, the number of english speaking in the world border up 1 billion!
    • Do you realize the number of meeting opportunities that this brings if you could speak english.
    • 2.Increase in intelligence Yes I know, that seems crazy but severals studies confirm that reaching a high level of mastery in a language, has a significant effect on brain structure.
    • This is obliviously interesting regarding improvement of cleverness but also in the prevention of neurodegenerative dieseases such as Alzheimer or even senile dementia.Indeed, the occurence of symptoms seemed to be delayed by 5 years in some cases.
    • It's been also proven that bilingual children have a significantly superior attention and memory capacity compared to a children only knowing one language.And the benefits do not just stop there.
    • Apparently, the knowledge of a new language also improves our abitlity to make decisions, to work on severals projects simultaneously, to prioritise tasks and our perception of things.
    • It is said that the brain is a muscle : the more we train it, the more proficient it becomes.Learning a language will therefore allow your brain to get a bit of exercice.
    • I take the opportunity to share with you a quote from a French linguist : Claude hagège : Bilinguals possess malleability and cognitive flexibility superior to those monolingual.
    • Knowledge of a second language thus allows the development of a verbal intelligence, a conceptual training, a global thinking and to stimulates the discovery of the underlying rules to solving problems.
    • " 3.For the job and the studies The knowledge of a foreign language is an unquestionable advantage in most jobs.
    • And nowadays this is becoming increasingly true.
  • That can clearly make the difference between two applicants with equivalent academic qualifications and experiences at a job interview.
    • I know about this from personal experience, as I got my last job exactly thanks to my level of english :) Plus, by learning a foreign language, you will have the opportunity to work abroad or even to study in an university, which will add a nice line on your resume which will be greatly appreciated by your future employers.
  • Also, the mastery of a foreign language can be a good argument to ask for a raise, and it may even allow public servants to collect smalls allowances.
  • 4.New source of knowledge.
    • Whether for your work, your passion of your leisures, knowing a new language is quite frankly useful to multiply your sources of informations on a subject and to learn a lot more than monolinguists.
    • Indeed, this opens the door to numerous knowledge that were up until now inaccessible.
    • For example, if you're passionate about surfing, learning english will allow you to read australian surf magazine, to meet and have a chat with others anglophones surfers, to find good surfing spots on the internet on american websites, learn new board maintenance techniques on english books not translated in french, etc...
    • As for me, 80% of the informations that I collect, whether it is for my passions, a project or something else, come from anglophones sources (books not translated in french, websites, documentaries, etc..) 5.Learning a new language improves your ability to... learn languages!
    • Indeed, when we learn a language, we inevitably learn how to learn language, either through a continuous researching process and re-assessment, (learning form your mistakes for example) or by discovering good methods and useful resources.
    • Moreover, as we've seen on the first bullet-point of this article, by learning a first foreign language, your brain is going to adapt to this new type of stimulation, because let's not forget that learning a language is not just about remembering words, phrases and expressions by heart, it's rather about absorbing the language through a constant exposure until that speaking the language become almost a second nature.
    • Although I'm aware that some people do not wish to learn to speak more than one foreign language, be mindful that the next language will probably be much easier to learn, expect of course if you've started by learning an easy language for french people (such as Spanish of Italian) and that you would like to learn chinese after...:) But apart form this sort of extreme scenario, you should encounter less trouble while learning a third or fourth language than when you've learned your very first foreign language.
    • I hope these five reasons will be sufficient to motivate you to work more often and more assiduously your languages and to particularly not give up!Of course, there are a lot more reasons to learn foreign language, I chose those five reasons in particular because that's the ones that seemed to be the most important to me.
    • Therefore don't hesitate to tell me which are in your opinion, the good reasons to learn languages.What motivates you day after day to learn a foreign language?


  • Title
  • Vakya 1
    • language "We should learn languages because foreign languages are the only thing that's worth being known, even poorly." Kato Lomb When I meet people that have little or no interest in languages, that don't see a great interest et that don't even want to consider learning one, I'm always surprised by their lack of open-mindedness.
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    • language¶¶"We should learn languages because foreign languages are the only thing that's worth being known, even poorly." Kato Lomb¶¶¶When I meet people that have little or no interest in languages, that don't see a great interest et thator don't even want to consider learning one, I'm always surprised by their lack of open-mindedness.
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  • Vakya 2
    • For my part, I've always wanted to know more about languages, knowing the benefit related to the mastery even partial of a foreign language, worth widely the necessary efforts of learning one.
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    • For my part, I've always wanted to know more about languages, knowing the benefit related to the mastery, or even partial mastery, of a foreign language, worth widely the necessary efforts of learning one.
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  • Vakya 3
    • So for those of you who might have some motivation issues regarding language learning, I compiled for you the five best reasons to learn a foreign language 1.Travel That's the most obvious reason :) And even if knowing the mother tongue of the country we're visiting is not essential to enjoy the travel, that will still allow you to fully enjoy all the different facets of the country.You will have the opportunity to understand and live the culture of the country more easily and fully.
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    • So for those of you who might have some motivation issues regarding language learning, I have compiled for you the five best reasons to learn a foreign language. ¶¶¶¶1.Travel ¶¶That's the most obvious reason :) And e. Even if knowing the mother tonative language of the country we'you are visiting is not essential to enjoy the travel, that will still allow you to fully enjoy all the different facets of the country. You will have the opportunity to understand and live the culture of the country more easily and fulcompletely.
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  • Vakya 4
    • Speaking and exchanging with the natives of the country is also one of the most humanly rewarding experience that you can have during a trip.You will better understand the differences of culture, education, social classes, lifestyle and traditions.
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    • Speaking and exchanging with the natives of the country is also one of the most humanly rewarding experience that you can have during a trip. You will better understand the differences of culture, education, social classes, lifestyle and traditions.
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  • Vakya 5
    • Moreover, you'll extand your network of acquaintance and you'll befriend new people.As an example, the number of english speaking in the world border up 1 billion!
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    • Moreover, you'll extaend your network of acquaintance and you'll befriend new people.As an for example, the number of english speakingers in the world border up 1is over one billion people!
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  • Vakya 6
  • Vakya 7
    • 2.Increase in intelligence Yes I know, that seems crazy but severals studies confirm that reaching a high level of mastery in a language, has a significant effect on brain structure.
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    • 2.Increase in intelligence¶¶¶Yes, I know, that seems crazy, but severals studies confirm that reaching a high level of mastery in a language, has a significant effect on brain structure.
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  • Vakya 8
    • This is obliviously interesting regarding improvement of cleverness but also in the prevention of neurodegenerative dieseases such as Alzheimer or even senile dementia.Indeed, the occurence of symptoms seemed to be delayed by 5 years in some cases.
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    • This is obliviously interesting regarding improvement of cleverness but also in the prevention of neurodegenerative dieseases such as Alzheimer or even senile dementia.Indeed, t The occurence of symptoms seemed to be delayed by up to 5 years in some cases.
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  • Vakya 9
    • It's been also proven that bilingual children have a significantly superior attention and memory capacity compared to a children only knowing one language.And the benefits do not just stop there.
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    • It's been also proven that bilingual children have a significantly superior attention and memory capacity compared to ahan children only knowing one language.And t The benefits do not just stop there.
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  • Vakya 10
    • Apparently, the knowledge of a new language also improves our abitlity to make decisions, to work on severals projects simultaneously, to prioritise tasks and our perception of things.
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    • Apparently, tThe knowledge of a new language also improves our abitlity to make decisions, to work on severals projects simultaneously, to multitask, and prioritisze tasks, ands well as our perception of things.
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  • Vakya 11
    • It is said that the brain is a muscle : the more we train it, the more proficient it becomes.Learning a language will therefore allow your brain to get a bit of exercice.
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    • It is said that the brain is a muscle : the more we train it, the more proficientstronger it becomes.L therefore, learning a language will therefore allow your brain to get a bit of exercice.
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  • Vakya 12
    • I take the opportunity to share with you a quote from a French linguist : Claude hagège : Bilinguals possess malleability and cognitive flexibility superior to those monolingual.
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    • I take the opportunity to share with you a quote from a French linguist : ¶¶Claude hagège : "Bilinguals possess malleability and cognitive flexibility superior to those monolingual."
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  • Vakya 13
    • Knowledge of a second language thus allows the development of a verbal intelligence, a conceptual training, a global thinking and to stimulates the discovery of the underlying rules to solving problems.
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    • Thus, Knowledge of a second language thus allows the development of a verbal intelligence, a conceptual training, a global thinking and to stimulates the discovery of the underlying rules to solving problems.
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  • Vakya 14
  • Vakya 15
  • Vakya 16
    • That can clearly make the difference between two applicants with equivalent academic qualifications and experiences at a job interview.
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  • Vakya 17
    • I know about this from personal experience, as I got my last job exactly thanks to my level of english :) Plus, by learning a foreign language, you will have the opportunity to work abroad or even to study in an university, which will add a nice line on your resume which will be greatly appreciated by your future employers.
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    • I know about this from personal experience, as I got my last job exactly thanks to my level of english :) ¶¶Plus. ¶¶Also, by learning a foreign language, you will have the opportunity to work abroad or even to study in an university, which will add a nice line on your resume which will be greatly appreciated by your future employers.
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  • Vakya 18
    • Also, the mastery of a foreign language can be a good argument to ask for a raise, and it may even allow public servants to collect smalls allowances.
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  • Vakya 19
  • Vakya 20
    • Whether for your work, your passion of your leisures, knowing a new language is quite frankly useful to multiply your sources of informations on a subject and to learn a lot more than monolinguists.
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    • Whether for your work, your passion, ofr your leisures, knowing a new language is quite frankly useful to multiply your sources of informations on a subject and to learn a lot more than monolinguists.
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  • Vakya 21
  • Vakya 22
    • For example, if you're passionate about surfing, learning english will allow you to read australian surf magazine, to meet and have a chat with others anglophones surfers, to find good surfing spots on the internet on american websites, learn new board maintenance techniques on english books not translated in french, etc...
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    • For example, if you're passionate about surfing, learning english will allow you to read australian surf magazine, to meet and have a chat with others anglophonesic surfers, to find good surfing spots on the internet on american websites, and learn new board maintenance techniques onfrom english books not translated into french, etc...
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 22ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 22
  • Vakya 23
    • As for me, 80% of the informations that I collect, whether it is for my passions, a project or something else, come from anglophones sources (books not translated in french, websites, documentaries, etc..) 5.Learning a new language improves your ability to... learn languages!
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    • As for me, 80%Eighty percent of the informations that I collect, whether it is for my passions, a project or something else, come from anglophones sources (books not translated in french, websites, and documentaries, etc..) ¶¶¶¶5.Learning a new language improves your ability to... learn languages!
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  • Vakya 24
    • Indeed, when we learn a language, we inevitably learn how to learn language, either through a continuous researching process and re-assessment, (learning form your mistakes for example) or by discovering good methods and useful resources.
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    • Indeed, wWhen we learn a language, we inevitably learn how to learn languages, either through a continuous researching process and re-assessment, (learning form your mistakes for example) or by discovering good methods and useful resources.
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  • Vakya 25
    • Moreover, as we've seen on the first bullet-point of this article, by learning a first foreign language, your brain is going to adapt to this new type of stimulation, because let's not forget that learning a language is not just about remembering words, phrases and expressions by heart, it's rather about absorbing the language through a constant exposure until that speaking the language become almost a second nature.
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    • Moreover, as we've seen oin the first bullet-pointsection of this article, by learning a first foreign language, your brain is going to adapt to this new type of stimulation, because let's not forget that learning a language is not just about remembering words, phrases and expressions by heart, it's rather about absorbing the language through a constant exposure until that speaking the language become almost a second nature.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 25ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 25
  • Vakya 26
    • Although I'm aware that some people do not wish to learn to speak more than one foreign language, be mindful that the next language will probably be much easier to learn, expect of course if you've started by learning an easy language for french people (such as Spanish of Italian) and that you would like to learn chinese after...:) But apart form this sort of extreme scenario, you should encounter less trouble while learning a third or fourth language than when you've learned your very first foreign language.
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    • Although I'm aware that some people do not wish to learn to speak more than one foreign language, be mindful that the next language will probably be much easier to learn, expect of course if you've started by learning an easy language for french people (such as Spanish of Italian) and that you would like to learn chinese after...:)¶¶But apart forom this sort of extreme scenario, you should encounter less trouble while learning a third or fourth language than when, or even your own native language ounce you've learned your very first foreign language.
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  • Vakya 27
    • I hope these five reasons will be sufficient to motivate you to work more often and more assiduously your languages and to particularly not give up!Of course, there are a lot more reasons to learn foreign language, I chose those five reasons in particular because that's the ones that seemed to be the most important to me.
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    • I hope these five reasons will be sufficient to motivate you to work more often and more assiduously your languages and to particularly not give up!Of course, t There are a lotmany more reasons to learn foreign language, I chose those five reasons in particular because that's the ones that seemed to be the most important to me.
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  • Vakya 28
    • Therefore don't hesitate to tell me which are in your opinion, the good reasons to learn languages.What motivates you day after day to learn a foreign language?
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    • Therefore dDon't hesitate to tell me which are, in your opinion, the goodbest reasons to learn languages.What motivates you day after day to learn a foreign language?
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