

Dzhamal (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • Smoking

  • In this essay I will try to describe my point of view on tabacco smoking.
  • Ok, let's get started.
  • Today's environment is very polluted.
  • There are many reasons of this and of course tobacco smoking is one of them.
  • We as people should be worried about our health and about health of people around us.
  • Therefore, I try to lead healthy lifestyle.
  • All we know that the smoke of tobacco is very harmful but we continue to sell and buy this poison.
  • If you come here in Russia, you will see that on all packs of cigarettes written a phrase "Smoking kills"...but we continue to smoke and promote this "product".
  • Actually, most of us don't completely realize the harmful, negative influence and serious consequences of this habit.
  • If we do, we never smoke in children presence.
  • To be honest, who really deserve our care are children.
  • They are so sensitive, unprotected, kind to all around them, friendly that only insensitive and stony-hearted one can harm them.
  • Let's try do our best to save the health of our "small pure flowers" and don't allow this habit to overcome ourselves.
  • P.S Please, don't judge me strictly, it is my first essay.

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