
текст з - English

    • Leo Tolstoy. Lion and little dog

    • In London wild animals was shown.
    • Master took money or cats and dogs for watching.
    • It went to food for wild animals.
    • One man wanted to watch animals and he cought a little dog on a street and brought it in menagerie.
    • They leted him to watch.
    • The little dog was taken and it was thrown to lion cage for lion will eat it.
    • The little dog tail between her legs and sat in corner of the cage.
    • Lion went up to it and smell it.
    • The lion touch it its lag and turn it.
    • The little dog was staid on its hind lags.
    • Lion watched to it, rotated its head, but not touch it.
    • When master thrown meat to lion, it torn one piece and left for little dog.
    • In the evening, when lion went to the bed, little dog lie next to it and put its head to lion lag.
    • Since then, the dog was living with lion in one cage, lion doesn't touched it, they was sleeping together, and sometimes lion was playing with dog.
    • Once landowner went to menagerie and recognized his dog.
    • He said that it his dog and ask to master of menagerie to give him it.
    • But once they started to call dog to give it from cage, lion had bristled up and started groul.
    • Lion and little dog was living together in one cage one year.
    • One year late dog had illed and died.
    • Lion stoped eating and all the time smell and lick dog and touched it its led.
    • When it understood that it's die, suddenly lion jumped up, brisled up and started hit self sides its tail.
    • Then it rushed to the cage wall and started gnaw locks and floor.
    • The whole day it fought, tossed in a cage and roared, then lion had lie, and was made silent.
    • Master wanted to get die dog, but lion doesn't let to make it.
    • Master thought that lion will forget his grief if he give other dog to it.
    • Master let alive dog to the cage.
    • Immediately lion cut it to pieces.
    • Then it take die dog in one's lags and so lied five days.
    • Six day late lion had died.

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