
Tekstong galing sa 1lyass - English


    • Sport is an activity that relies mostly on physical labour.
    • It has been for a long time played with traditional methods before it becomes developped in the recent decades.
  • Many people all over the world enjoy and take part in sports.
    • Some of them for professional reasons while other do that for health reasons.
    • Nowadays, people take advantage of different types of sports, most of them are engaged in clubs, hope to become professionals and participate in international competitions.
    • As we mentioned, some are obliged to do sport, it can be advised to a patient, obese people particularly, in order to lose weight, to avoid or prevent dideases over the long term.
  • Besides, watching sports is also important.
  • Many types of sports are popular especially football.
    • Some people are interested in that and do it as a hobby while for others watching sports is source of money that come by gambling and lottery.
    • All these poeple agree that sport is important.
  • I totally share the same point of view.
  • I see that it plays a very important role in someone's life.
  • It helps us to be fit, have a flexible body and a strong personality in society.

Pakiusap, tumulong sa pagtatama sa mga pangungusap! - English